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Back Perspective
Pool Side
Back Porch
Pool Perspective
Back Perspective
Front View
Living Area
Living Area
Master Bedroom


Sunny Lane Uno


Located on a corner, infill lot the 2800 square foot, 3 bedroom, 3 ½ bath Sunny Lane home is adjacent to Tamarisk Country Club and the Historic Sunnylands Estate. The design, open internally to the southern and western mountain views is also protected on the north and west from the corner intersection.  The home also completes a diverse neighborhood of ’50’s- ‘90’s Ranch, Spanish and Mid-Century Modern with modest scaled public facing facades.  The owners wanted a simple home that provided ample outdoor space to seasonally entertain friends and family while creating privacy in the opposing bedroom wings. The clients were seeking openness and finish materials to optimize winter and spring daylight, a stark contrast to their Pacific Northwest community. To balance the abundant openness with seasonally harsh desert environment deep overhangs and dynamic solar control systems were included. The success of the home is the intelligent siting and interactive dialogue with the homeowners and builder.

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